大學路, Kaohsiung, 824, Taiwan, Province of China
Lab tags:
First Tech Innovation Lab belongs to National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST).
We have diverse and comprehensive resources to prop up our visions and concepts.
”Idea showroom”. Present ideas with digital and potable booths. Display research and Design results from faculty, students and partner universities. By showing Divers invention and innovation to inspire our students’ creativity.
“Idea Studio”. Space Equipped with teaching aid facility and panoramic screen to nurture creative minds and inspire new ideas.
“Color and Material Database”. Helps combining creativity, aesthetics, and technology all together. Turning creative ideas into new proposals.
“3D Maker Lab”. Installed with different kinds of 3D printers and among other facilities which allows students to make their prototypes.
“Venture incubation room”. Apply resources to support start-up teams to become a new business.
And among other things, having foundation, consulting, facilities to make First Tech Innovation Lab a complete place to engage the ultimate goal - a creative, innovative entrepreneurship university.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Vinyl cutting