C.P.G North Avenue, Bohol Island State University Main Campus, Tagbilaran City, Central Visayas, 6300, Philippines
Lab tags:
FABLAB Bohol Philippines is the first Fabrication Laboratory in the Philippines.
It is a collaboration project between four government agency we have the Department of Trade and Industry, Bohol Island State University, Department of Science and Technology and Japan International Cooperating Agency.
Fablab Bohol was inaugurated last May 2, 2014, at Bohol Island State University-Main Campus Tagbilaran City Bohol Philippines.
FABLAB Bohol Philippines also established the FAN (Fablab Asian Network) International Conference which is also inaugurated in Fablab Bohol Philippines the FAN 1 or Fablab Asian Network Conference last May 2014. It was participated by 8 countries 14 FabLab and a total of 200 participants.
Fablab Bohol Philippines now is the parent of the growing FABLAB in the Philippines.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek4cprnx0bI
- https://www.instagram.com/fablab.bohol
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabbohol/
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting