Rabindranath tagore university Chiklod Rd, Bhopal, , Madhya Pradesh , Bhopal , Madhya Pradesh , 464993, India
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random idea might lose its track if it is not nurtured regularly in the right way. For a large number of people venturing into the culture of entrepreneurship nowadays, it is very important to educate and support them for the proper growth of their ideas.
At AIC-RNTU, we have taken the charge of providing essential services such as fund support, management, mentorship, co-working space, and state-of-the-art technical assistance to the budding business units. By playing the role of both startup incubator and accelerator, we aim at training and mentoring young people to fuel their inner drive to innovate.
Our primary objective here is to create a startup ecosystem and familiarize the visionary brains with the business aspects of an idea and provide them a platform with necessary resources – culture, opportunities, and amenities – to grow their startup units into business enterprises.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting